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Sports, an organized framework that aim for an all-round development of the participants. It is a way to stay fit ,healthy ,both in mind & body, maintains and Implements the skills that a sports person does carry from his beginning .It also Provides entertainment to the spectators & is a source of inspiration to them.

For the widespread of this agenda, there persists an active athletic club in the college. It always welcomes those sporty champions who are or want to be a part of it .Here the students are encouraged & get proper guidance.The members of the club not only have performed in their periphery but also  have shown their glory in inter-college & national levels. The club gives importants to motivational classes& also provide Yoga classes for the fitness of the students.


 Atheletic Society:

1.President: Mrs Rajashree Mohapatra,Principal.

2.Vice-president : Mrs Reenabala Acharya,Lecturer in Political Science.

3.Advisor : Mrs Sandhya Rath ,P.E.T